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Daily Morning Prayer Catholics
O Lord Jesus Christ, you praised the Father with your most holy heart while on earth. Today, you praise the Eucharist everywhere, even to the end of the world.
With your divine offering, I offer you all my intentions and thoughts, all my affection and desires, all my words and actions during this entire day. And I promise that, O Lord, I will not hold back even a small part from you.
Read More – Catholic Morning Prayers here.
Daily Morning Prayers For Carrer
Dear Lord, I thank you for your work. You have provided me with a steady income and I thank you. I pray that you keep an eye on me at work today and I pray that there is no accident so that everyone can go back to their homes. I thank you that my job has provided an income to support me & my family. I thank you for the provisions you have made for me, my house, car, and food. I pray for safe travel to and from work and I pray that you will use me as you see fit today for my glory. Amen.
Daily Morning Prayer For Faith
O My Lord! I firmly believe in all the true truths that your Holy Catholic Church believes and teaches because you have revealed them, which can neither deceive nor be deceived.
Early Morning Prayer
Dear God, help me remember what a difference it makes when I prioritize time with you in my mornings. Wake me up in body and spirit every day with the desire to meet you and to hear you speak words of affirmation, reassurance, and wisdom in my heart as I prepare to go on my day. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Morning Prayer For Peace
Dear God, please grant me peace of mind and soothe my troubled heart. My soul is like a turbulent sea. I can’t find my balance so I constantly stumble and worry. Give me the strength and clarity of mind to find my purpose and follow the path you have set for me. I trust in your love god, and I know you will fix this tension. Like the sun rises every day against the darkness of the night. Please bring me clarity with the light of God. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Read More – Morning Prayers For Peace here.
An Act Of Gratefulness
O glorious Trinity! I admire and thank you for the countless benefits you have given me. O Heavenly Father, I thank you that you have created me for your image and likeness, and have preserved me to this day. I thank you, O merciful son, that you have rescued me from your death, and often fed me with your precious body and blood. I thank you, Holy Spirit, for purifying my soul by your grace in holy baptism, calling me to the true faith, and often washing me from my sins in the sacrament of penance. I thank you, O Most Generous Lord, for preserving me this night, and for granting me this day to serve you. I heartily invite all the saints in heaven and on earth to join me in praise and thanksgiving for your eternal goodness.
An Act Of Thanksgiving
Adorable Jesus! The divine model of the perfection we should all aspire to! I will try to follow your example to this day; To be humble, humble, pious, enthusiastic, patient, benevolent, and resigned. Bow down my heart to obey your commands. I am determined to look after myself with the utmost diligence and to live calmly, justly, and holily for the times to come. I will watch my conduct, lest my tongue is offended. I will turn my eyes so that they do not see in vain, and I will pay special attention not to turn this day into my habitual failures, but to struggle against them by your grace. Enlighten my mind, purify my heart and guide my steps, that I may devote all my life to Your divine service. Amen.
Catholic Morning Prayers doesn’t claim on any of these prayers. We have found them really amazing and useful for our audience online. These dozen of Daily Morning Prayers help us to find and connect with the Lord at the beginning of the day. Rights are given to the respected owners.
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